Installation Instructions

Installation instructions are provided here for your convenience. Most are available in English, French and Spanish versions.





  • Standard Connections French(CB, Campak, Grip Joint, Haystite, C903, PEP and PVC)
  • Telescoping Curb Box Installation Instructions French
  • Fast Connect Fitting French



  • Standard Connections ESPANOL(CB, Campak, Grip Joint, Haystite, C903, PEP and PVC)

US Federal Legislation

Bill S. 3874 Reduction of Lead in Drinking Water Act provides a US Federal mandate to adhere to the 0.25 % weighted average lead content of wetted surfaces in all potable water systems throughout the United States.

Effective January 5th 2014, US Law makes it illegal to sell, offer to sell, or install into service any plumbing product or device that may come in contact with potable water in excess of the 0.25% weighted average lead content.